Happy Thanksgiving 2020!
By Skywing Knights // November 26, 2020
Hi loves!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
In America, Thanksgiving is a day where we give thanks for all that we have. I realize that for many (myself included) 2020 has been a major bust at best and at worst, a year of incredible loss for many. Things have been cancelled. People have lost jobs or worse, they’ve lost loved ones to the COVID-19 pandemic. None of it feels fair. None of it feels right.
I was recently asked by someone though “What are you grateful for in 2020?” I sat there, thinking honestly, for longer than I probably should have. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion, that for me, 2020 has made me grateful for faith. Faith in God and Jesus Christ. Faith in others. And the faith that we will get through this worldwide struggle together.
Having Faith During Trying Times
It’s hard to have faith during times like these. It really, really is. Faith is not simply a light switch. It’s something you have to hold onto and work for. There are certainly days where I feel depressed or in despair, like nothing will ever change. But that’s where faith comes into play. It’s the strength I need to grab hold of the rod of iron that will lead me out of the mists of darkness. Like any muscle, you have to practice using that strength. And 2020 has been, if anything, a year in which I have had to choose to have faith over and over and over again. And I’m grateful for that exercise in my life, as hard as it may be, because it has made my faith stronger.
I hope this Thanksgiving we all recognize that we have things to be thankful for. The Prophet President Russell M. Nelson has recently challenged all of us to use the #givethanks every day this week to highlight on social media the things we’re thankful for. I will post a recap here of what I’ve chosen to highlight at the end of my posts, but today, I’m adding this extra one. Today I’m give thanks for faith. And I hope dearly that if any of you are lacking of faith, that you choose to lean on mine.
Hope is there.
Relief is coming.
Hang in there.
Hold on.
Peace and healing will be there.
I love you all so much and wish you the very best.
Happy Thanksgiving,