Otakon Recap and AnimeUSA Announcements!
By Skywing Knights // October 14, 2022
Hey loves!
Summer has definitely come to a close and I’m now in the midst of lighting cinnamon candles and wrapping myself up in warm blankets. But that said, what a busy summer it was! I’m clearly still recovering from it haha, considering I’m only now getting to my Otakon recap! (Along with a some news regarding AnimeUSA 2022, too!)
First, let me just say that Otakon was amazing. Everyone there made it wonderful, from the staff who helped us get registered to all those who came and just made the convention so friendly and inviting.
As I said in a past post, I ended up doing three things at Otakon this year. I ran two panels, “Tokyo for the Anime Fan” and “The Ultimate Japan Bucket List”, and I hosted the DC Comics Cosplay Meet Up on behalf of Teen Titans Deep Dive, for which I help as an admin for.
DC Comics Meet Up
And speaking of a cosplay meet up – what an awesome meet up it was! After picking up badges on Thursday evening, this was the first thing I participated in at noon on Friday. Having learned my lesson from AwesomeCon, I went in a “casual” Starfire so I could move around easily in order to take photos. There was such a terrific meet up and the whole time I was just inwardly fangirling inside (come on, are you surprised? I love DC Comics!). Everyone looked absolutely amazing, were incredibly sweet and kind, and I was blown away with all the details and love that went into everyone’s cosplays.
Additionally, I’ve been blown away by everyone’s patience as I’ve worked to get the photos from the session up! As a result of so many attendees (which floored me by the way – it was so incredibly to see so many DC Comics fans), it took much longer than I thought it would to get all of the images done. There were so many that I haven’t been able to get them all in my gallery! But here are a few of my favorites regarding how they turned out. Like AwesomeCon, lighting was difficult at this convention for my micro four-thirds Lumix… Should I do what I’ve been told and fork out the dough for a “new one” for a full frame? O.O Gosh, we’ll see if that happens. Maybe if I get a bonus this year from work! ^^;
See more in the Cosplay photography Album!
And please go check out the full set of photos in the album. There were well over 100 photos and more cosplayers than I could feature here, even though I wanted to show off everyone’s amazing cosplays. So GO!! Check out everyone’s outfits there!
Otakon Panels
Otakon shenanigans didn’t stop for me there though. Like I said above, I did two panels “Tokyo for the Anime Fan” and “The Ultimate Japan Bucket List.” And let me be real here, everyone who came just blew me away. I can’t express my gratitude to you enough for coming and I hope that you enjoyed whichever panel you came to. Not to mention, I hope you enjoyed the panel notes too! Speaking of which…
Upcoming Anime USA 2022 Panel!
I’ll be hosting my panel “Tokyo for the Anime Fan” at Anime USA this year! Anime USA 2022 started today and will be held until October 16th, 2022 (tickets here!). The panel will take place from 1:30 to 3 PM on Saturday the 15th in Workshop 1 (in the Lincoln room). So if you have enjoyed any of my past panels, I bet you’ll enjoy this one too! (Come on over and stop by!)
Not able to come to Anime USA? What about Katsucon?
If you’re not able to attend Anime USA 2022, though and would like to come again to a panel of mine, definitely let Katsucon know by tagging them on Twitter with a request for a panel from me OR tweet at your favorite local convention to request we come by! I absolutely love sharing anything having to do with Cosplay or Japan. So if you would like to see more from me at conventions, definitely tell them!
All that said though, it’s been a super exciting year of conventions and panels and I can’t wait to see everyone at Anime USA! Looking forward to Saturday!
Much love,