Event Recap: Katsucon 2024
By Skywing Knights // November 14, 2024
Well… what can I say? Sometimes life really… makes it hard to write. But I am finally getting to a point where I am really trying to get back on the ball. So… let’s talk about the first event I went to this year – one of my favorites – Katsucon 2024!
I was lucky enough to once again do two panels this year! So the Thursday of Katsucon, I picked up my panelist badge with my roommate, who partners with me on panels. In celebration of the panels being accepted, I also ran a Social Media Giveaway too!
As both of my panels were on Saturday, I decided on Friday to cosplay as Riku from Kingdom Hearts, who was a bit more elaborate than my Saturday cosplay – Himura Kenshin. I also shot a Good Omens photoshoot for Tsukasa325. Afterwards, I loved doing photoshoots along the shore line as Riku and hanging out with friends.
As I mentioned before, I wore my Rurouni Kenshin cosplay on the Saturday of Katsucon 2024 and had both of my panels that day:
Your Japan Getaway Prep Guide
Presented by Skywing Knights on February 17th, 2024 from 12:30 PM to 2 PM
The Ultimate Japan Bucket List
Presented by Skywing Knights on February 17th, 2024 from 4:30 PM to 6 PM
We once again reached the maximum number of attendees and I couldn’t have been more thankful! I truly hope everyone enjoyed the panels and found them useful! In the evening, I spent some time by the pool visiting my friend Cyprus who was mermaiding to let off some stress and relax. It was really fun to see Cyprus just in their element.
The final day, I decided on wearing a comfy last day of the convention type outfit (and my feet thanked me for it!) I also got to give out the prizes to the three winners of my Social Media Giveaway!
Social Media Giveaway Winners:
It was so nice to meet each of you and I hope you enjoyed your prizes! Should I host another one next year?? Let me know!
And while I said Sunday was my ‘final’ day at Katsucon 2024, it technically wasn’t – Monday was. On Monday, I met up with friends again and did one final shoot – Elizabeth Von Wettin of “Märchen” by Sound Horizon. She is perhaps the cosplay I take the most pride in, so I was super happy to get more photos as her.
Overall, Katsucon 2024 was a wonderful convention and I absolutely can’t wait for next year’s event. If you came to my panels, again, I hope you enjoyed them – and if I do panels again next year, I hope to see you again!
Until the next convention,