Happy New Year 2020!
By Skywing Knights // January 1, 2020
Happy New Year 2020 loves!
Wow! Another whole year! I remember last year my blog post on the new year was mostly a catch up of things as I had been so far behind, but not this year! So instead of a recap, I wanted to share a thought that came into my mind via way of another’s Instagram post with the caption: “2019年もありがとう!” or “Thank you, 2019! (Perhaps those who know me well will know who posted this).
In any case, the thought that came from this post was how gratitude for the past year (and past decade) is just as important as plans for the new one. I think we’re often times really glad to have a “fresh start” with a new year. We’re happy to ignore all the bad the past year had in it (and let’s face it, all years have their ups and downs). However, I think it’s important to recognize that without all those hard times that we sometimes go through during a year, we wouldn’t be who we are come January 1st of the new year.
We wouldn’t have learned as much as we know now.
We wouldn’t have achieved as much as we have now.
We wouldn’t be as wise as we are now.
We wouldn’t be as forgiving as we are now.
We wouldn’t be as kind as we are now.
With every year comes trials and opposition. Some years are certainly harder than others. But I am definitely grateful for each and every one of them. I learn so much each year. I learn things that make me strong. I learn things that make me smarter. And I learn things that I hope, make me a better person than I was the year before. Then in the coming year, I can help someone else out.
And with an attitude of gratitude for the past year, I become even more enthused by all of the possibilities of the new one just beginning. There’s so much to see! There’s so much to do. And there’s so many opportunities to meet new people, learn more, experience more, and create wonderful memories. May your new year (and new decade!) be filled with smiles and good times as we start off smarter and better than we ever were before. Again, Happy New Year (2020)!
Much love,