Featured Artist Spotlight: Marie Kondo (近藤 麻理恵)

For the month of January 2021, the featured artist of the month is Marie Kondo! Born in Tokyo, Japan, Marie Kondo is a professional organizing consultant, sometimes known as “KonMari”. With 4 books under her belt, with most translated into 30+ languages, Marie specializes in turning places of clutter into tidy spaces. Her most popular book is titled “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”.

Shinjuku BLAZE

This is surprisingly, another one of those “I can’t believe I haven’t written about this sooner” posts. But then again, when you’re in Japan, there’s next to no time, zilch, to really document it other than via photos. As such, 4 years later, let’s talk about concerts in Japan, and specifically, my first concert in Japan.