Featured Artist Spotlight: Jeff Storck Photography
By Skywing Knights // March 24, 2020
Hello all!
The seasons are changing guys, and a lovely spring shall be upon us soon! Don’t you just love nature sometimes? Running on the theme of all of the beauty that can be captured outdoors, this month’s Featured Artist Spotlight is a photographer who excels at landscape photography, Jeff Storck of “Theoretical Photos”!
Jeff is a hobbyist photographer and videographer of 35+ years. Growing up in high school, it was common to see him carrying around a camera and then later developing the photos himself in a dark room at home. Primarily using Micro Four Thirds cameras such as the Olympus EM5 and the Panasonic LUMIX G85, Jeff also uses a variety of lenses and even drones at times in order to get the perfect shots and angles.

“Washington Monument 11/25/2017”
Though based in the Washington DC area, Jeff travels frequently and always brings his camera with him. Two of his most notable and recent trips were to Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon, where he would get up before the sun rose in order to get truly magnificent shots of locations at night as well as time lapses.
And even though Jeff has his preferred equipment, he can often be caught trying out new techniques and equipment in order to get different results than what he has gotten in the past. Additionally, while his specialty is photography, Jeff also works in videography, capturing video and editing it himself for a wide range of purposes, from business promotion to travel vlogging.
With an eye for color and movement, Jeff tends to bring out and highlights the natural beauty of the world around him with his work, often getting stunning shots of waterways and other natural wonders that are highly detailed, high-quality images. And with so many years of experience, it’s always fun to pick his brain for ideas on how to get good shots for various projects (and I do that a lot)! Check out Jeff’s work below!
Jeff Storck Photography
Follow Jeff’s Work Here!
Theoretical Photos
So what is it that I think makes Jeff’s work stand out as an artist? It’s his patience. He’s willing to get up early. He’s willing to set up the tripod. And he’s willing to wait until he gets something just right. Jeff’s patience also goes beyond that of being able to wait for the time of day he wants to take a photo, though. He’s meticulous about learning and trying new things until he’s able to produce what he wants, which often allows him to create some of the best outcomes of his work, making for truly fantastic results.
In that regard, we can all learn from Jeff’s willingness to slow down and take the necessary time on our art. Ultimately, educating ourselves, trying things out, and remaining patient will reward the dedicated with beautiful, final pieces. As always, I hope you all are immersing yourself in art and are making your own! Till next time!
Much love,