Life is full of many joys and so many of them come from exploring God’s magnificent creations. So go! Get out there! Get outside of your comfort zone! Learn about the world and the people in it, first hand. Be open. See things in front of you, without a camera in between.
There’s something strangely exciting about seeing a musical not performed on Broadway. Perhaps it’s not knowing exactly what you’re getting yourself into. Or perhaps it’s knowing that for a musical not from Broadway to be selling tickets, it has to genuinely be good.
It’s been a good 2.5 years since I’ve had the chance to go to an X4 concert, in other words, much too long. Why? Because the atmosphere that Kodai, T-Max, Jukiya, and Yuya create with their music, their spirits, and their fans – there’s just something very special about it.
I’m finally back from the land of the rising sun. I went to Hiroshima, Miyajima (above photo taken there), Usagishima, Kyoto, Matsumoto, Saitama, Tokyo, and Chiba while in Japan, all of which were wonderful!
I have less than 1 month till Japan travels! This time around, I’ll be spending time in Hiroshima, Kyoto, Matsumoto, Saitama, Tochigi, and Tokyo while there and will be taking plenty of pictures and notes for future posts here. But most of all, I’m excited to return to see my old home!