Shinjuku BLAZE

This is surprisingly, another one of those “I can’t believe I haven’t written about this sooner” posts. But then again, when you’re in Japan, there’s next to no time, zilch, to really document it other than via photos. As such, 4 years later, let’s talk about concerts in Japan, and specifically, my first concert in Japan.

Travels: Amazing Milky Way Sweets in Ikebukuro

Recently I appeared as a guest writer on the Japan Living and Lifestyle blog run by the lovely Urano family. What did I write on? Well of course, one of my favorite places on earth: Ikebukuro (池袋)! More specifically though, I discussed some of my favorite places to get great sweets and treats in and around the Sunshine Street and City areas. So in addition to that article, today, I’m sharing here a little more on my favorite place in Ikebukuro for sweet things: Milky Way!